‘Our Whys’ are the key ingredients of our life together. In a nutshell, they are our ‘why’- why we do all that we do.

We want to be a church where everyone is welcome. Because we want to love people as Jesus loved people – this isn’t just about being welcoming to an event or Sunday gathering, this is about how we live and represent the love of God to the world around us.

We believe that God created us to know Him – not just intellectually or based on a knowledge of who He is, but that we are to encounter Him personally. Therefore we want to be people that are intentional about seeking God and pursuing more of His presence – and that as we seek God, our world is filled with His love, forgiveness, peace, healing, and salvation.

We are all different and we all have a variety of things we call adventurous. Whatever excites us we are all called into a life of adventure when we say a YES to Jesus. When Jesus says come follow me, all bets are off to what that might look like.
These are the core values of Broadmead Community Church:

God is No. 1.
We put God first in all things – Matt 6:33, 25-34

To Give Our Best
We give 100% in all areas of our lives 1 Cor 10:31

It's We, Not Me
We are not designed to do life alone – we are better together – 1 Cor 12:12-19, Hebrews 10:24-25

Honour For All
We desire to honour Jesus and each other – 1 Peter 2:17

Word and Spirit Alive
We enjoy God’s presence and encounter Him through the scripture. John 6:63, Hebrews 4:12

Be In The Mix
We want to add value to the church and community through serving others. 1 Peter 4:10, Hebrews 13:16
Everyone Everywhere
Our theme for 2025 is Everyone Everywhere. To find out more about this please follow the link or download the pdf.